Various Bracing System Based Comparative Analysis of an Irregular Tall Building using STAAD

  • Unique Paper ID: 173434
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 266-272
  • Abstract:
  • Structure must be designed with the utmost proficiency and safety to remain functional under the most extreme combinations of gravity and lateral loads it may encounter. As the height of a structure increases, ensuring stability against overturning becomes increasingly critical. Wind loading is a key factor influencing the design of tall buildings over 10 stories. Typically, buildings taller than 10 stories require additional load-resisting systems. A braced frame enhances the efficiency of a pure rigid frame by balancing shear racking and bending. Braced frame systems are broadly categorized into concentric and eccentric types. This study reviews 40 research papers from various journals, conferences, and other sources on braced frame systems. It provides a comprehensive analysis of these papers, identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and gaps. The problem statement and objectives are formulated to analyze the efficiency of braced frame systems in resisting lateral displacement, torsion, bending moments, and axial forces under wind loads. The study also evaluates the performance of different braced frame patterns placed at various locations within a structure, focusing on their efficiency and structural weight. For this purpose, an irregular G+11 multi-story structure located in a high wind zone with a basic wind speed of 50 m/s was analyzed. The performance of three types of concentric braced frame systems (K, X, and V) was investigated when installed in different locations to provide lateral stiffness and strength against horizontal forces. Bracings were applied in both the X and Z directions. The structures were analyzed using the Equivalent Static Analysis method with STAAD.Pro V8i software. The results of braced frame models were compared with those of a bare frame model to evaluate the effectiveness of each bracing system in controlling displacement and member forces. Results were assessed in terms of shear force, bending moment, node displacement, support reaction, axial force, torsion, and structural weight. Among the systems studied, X-type bracing was found to be the most effective in providing lateral strength and stiffness to the structure.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 266-272

Various Bracing System Based Comparative Analysis of an Irregular Tall Building using STAAD

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