Glass Fiber-Reinforced M30 Grade Concrete with Manufactured Sand: A Study on its Mechanical, Durability, and Microstructural Properties

  • Unique Paper ID: 173525
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 521-526
  • Abstract:
  • The major problem that the world is facing today is the environmental pollution. In the construction industry mainly the production of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) will cause the emission of pollutants which results in environmental pollution. The production of one ton of Portland cement emits approximately 850kg of CO2 into the atmosphere. An effort in this regard is the replacement of Portland cement with materials of biological origin or by-product materials such as Glass Fibers and manufactured sand in place of natural sand etc. Tests were carried out on 150mmX150mmX150mm cubes. In the present work, the strength characteristics and Bond were studied. To study the BOND STRENGTH of concrete by using pullout test method (IS 2770-part1), by 16mm diameter Mild and HYSD steel bars were used.

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