Prevalence of upper cross syndrome among unskilled garment industry workers in kolhapur district

  • Unique Paper ID: 173622
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 871-875
  • Abstract:
  • Introduction:Upper Cross Syndrome is defined as problem involving an imbalance in muscle groups of shoulder girdle and cervical spine. In UCS tightness of upper trapezius and levator scapula on the dorsal side crosses with tightness of pectoralis major and minor. Weakness of deep cervical flexors, ventrally crosses with weakness of middle and lower trapezius. This syndrome mainly arises as result of muscular imbalance due to poor posture increased tension between tonic and phasic muscles. Some postural patterning of forward rounded shoulders, increased kyphosis, forward head posture and loss of cervical lordosis is created by poor posture. These abnormalities tend to develop overall pattern changes in upper quarter of body. Garment industry is considered to be second largest employment sector in India. Occupational health problems among workers are often ignored, work related musculoskeletal disorder accounts major of it. Work at a garment production unit represents a complex multifaceted physical work environment with interactions among the various dimension of workplace, inappropriate non- neutral awkward postures, static posture for long time, repeated movements in prolonged standing and sitting. Prolonged working hours, working at lower level of table, accurate hand work, these risk factors cause neck pain in garment industry workers. They experience muscle tightness, spasm, pain and swelling in affected area which leads to inability to continue their occupation so there is need to know whether garment industry workers have any component of muscular imbalance to prevent occupation hazards. Aim: To study the prevalence of upper cross syndrome among unskilled garment industry workers in Kolhapur district. Method: 151 unskilled garment workers (age 30-50 with work experience of 3 years) were included in this study. The symptoms of UCS were assessed using clinical examination, neck disability index scale, numeric pain rating scale and special tests such as Pectoralis major and minor tightness test, Lower trapezius weakness test, Upper trapezius tightness test, deep cervical neck flexors test. statistical analysis was recorded and the results were obtained Result An observational study was done through simple random sampling from 151 unskilled garment industry workers between the age of 30 to 50 in Kolhapur district from October 2023 to February 2024. This study showed 32.45% (49 workers) were affected by upper cross syndrome. Along with this 40.86% of female workers and 18.96% of male workers were affected by upper cross syndrome. Conclusion: The present study concludes that 32.45% (49 unskilled workers) were reported to have upper cross syndrome with more prevalence (40.86%) in female workers than male workers.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 871-875

Prevalence of upper cross syndrome among unskilled garment industry workers in kolhapur district

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