A Comparative Study of Web Page Ranking Algorithms

  • Unique Paper ID: 143342
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 178-184
  • Abstract:
  • The World Wide Web WWW is a huge resource of hyperlinked and heterogeneous information which comprises of billions of web pages . To retrieve required information from World Wide Web, search engines perform various tasks based on its architecture and provide relevant and quality information to the internet users in response to its query. by using the web page contents and hyperlink between the web pages. Web mining is an active research area in present scenario. It is defined as the application of data mining techniques on the World Wide Web to find hidden information, This hidden information i.e. knowledge which contained in content of web pages or in link structure of World Wide Web or in web server logs. This paper deals with analysis and comparison of web page rankingalgorithms based on various parameter for the ranking of the web pages. Based on the analysis of various rankingalgorithms, a comparative search is done to search out out theirrelative strengths and limitations and furtherscope of analysis in web page ranking algorithmic rule.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 178-184

A Comparative Study of Web Page Ranking Algorithms

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