Structural Behaviour Analysis of Vertical V Shaped Soil Crusher and Agitation.

  • Unique Paper ID: 143847
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 243-251
  • Abstract:
  • This work gives approach for performing stress analysis of an agitator of a large mixing vessel used in soil earthen process plant. The analysis is carried out to estimate stress strain and deflection in agitator body. The agitator is subjected to vibration due to multi-pointed forces resulting from bending and pushing force imported by the Agitation operation. The approach followed in this work involves in step wise (1) Stress analysis of agitator shaft for unit displacement using FE method (2) Estimation of stress outcomes variation using loading data obtained. The work also discusses an alternative approach for estimating stress quantity variation through static stress analysis. Research work gives solution for developing the mixture agitator with v shaped Weldment which is made by using weldment techniques standard material plates, Agitator looks v- shaped from front view and circular hub is designed to hold the structure of agitator. Project gives result and validation on the basis of software tool as well as mathematical tool. This proves the strength in designed agitator. Along with agitation process of pulping stirrer is also considered which is mounted on top of the agitator hub.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 243-251

Structural Behaviour Analysis of Vertical V Shaped Soil Crusher and Agitation.

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