Characterization and Investigation of Bending Test on Hybrid(Sisal and Banana) Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composite Material

  • Unique Paper ID: 144757
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 85-91
  • Abstract:
  • Bio mechanics involves modeling and simulation of biological objects using mechanical laws. Femur bone is the largest and strongest part of human body and each femur bone carries half weight of human body.In this research work the investigation of mechanical properties of Bi-Directional Hybrid Natural fiber or ortho tropic form or Mat type polymer composite material with +/- 0 to 900 orientation used as implant material. The bending tests are performed with the aid of preparing various percentage of common specimen. It's located that there may be considerable growth in bending residences of 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% HFRPC material. This gain knowledge of suggests 30% and 40% of HFRPC material is also compatible for the unique application within the replacement of human bone. From the Experimental outcome it's observed that by using increasing the load fraction of the fiber or percent of fiber so they can increase the bending force and likewise increases the density and mass of composite specimen.
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