Big Data Collection: Analysis and Processing of Efficient IoT Based Sensor

  • Unique Paper ID: 145013
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 433-438
  • Abstract:
  • Internet of Things (IoT) provides to everyone new types of services in order to improve everyday life. Through this new technology, other recently developed technologies such as Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Monitoring could take part. In this work, we survey the four aforementioned technologies in order to find out their common operations, and combine their functionality, in order to have beneficial scenarios of their use. Despite the boarder concept of a smart city, we will try to investigate new systems for collecting and managing sensors’ data in a smart building which operates in IoT environment. As a bases technology for the proposed sensor management system, a cloud server would be used, collecting the data that produced from each sensor in the smart building. These data are easy to be managed and controlled from distance, by a remote (mobile) device operating on a network set up in IoT technology. As a result, the proposed solutions for collecting and managing sensors’ data in a smart building could lead us in an energy efficient smart building, and thus in a Green Smart Building

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 433-438

Big Data Collection: Analysis and Processing of Efficient IoT Based Sensor

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