REVERSE MENTORING - NEW HR TALENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGY (A study to bridge the gap between Generation X and Millennial)

  • Unique Paper ID: 146665
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 461-464
  • Abstract:
  • Mentoring is about pairing up people of different experience levels and sharing knowledge. The age old description of a mentor defines someone wise, willing to share his/her knowledge and experience to help a mentee succeed without any monetary benefits. It’s a matter of Respect, Admiration and Prestige for the Mentor. Feeling unsure, or requiring support are perfect situations to fall back on a mentor. The age old paradigm of mentoring elevated to new higher, more effective and collaborative effort is Reverse Mentoring. Conventional mentoring relationship is reversed with an experienced senior mentee and a much younger techno savvy Mentor. With the advent of digital era experienced professionals can learn a lot from their younger counterparts. Netters seem to have a lot of contagious positive energy and entrepreneurial attitude to add to any workplace. They have passion and drive to achieve success. A proper Reverse Mentoring program can enhance relationships between different generations, re-energize senior employees and keep younger workers engaged. The ability to match up employees of different generation and then encourage each team to meet regularly to exchange ideas and challenge each other is a task of HR department. Mentoring relationships shouldn’t be restricted to gender or background. Millennial s expect instant feedback, flexible work hours, career progression, path to leadership and work life balance. If engaged properly they are prone to be high achievers. Reverse mentoring helps the organization to achieve the same and pool the best of both generations.

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