• Unique Paper ID: 147436
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 10-11
  • Abstract:
  • Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) provides a mirror image of the late Victorian upper class life. The sham seriousness, hypocritical morality and artificial sophistry of this class are thoroughly criticized in this play. Victorian gentlemen maintained double identity under the garb of dignity. The quality of ‘earnestness’ has been treated paradoxically in this play. In his critique Wilde has focused on the issues of marriage, class, identity etc. Without any harsh satire, by exploiting the device of wit, humour and paradox, Wilde pinpoints the moral laxity of his contemporary period. The importance of being earnest belongs to the genre, the comedy of implies manners, handled with consummate skill and artistry by Congreve in the restoration period and later by Sheridan in the eighteenth century. The comedy of manners, as its name imples, concentrates upon the depiction of men and women in a social world ruled by convention. Its manner are not simply the behavior of a humanity in general but the affectations and cultured veneer of a highly developed and self-conscious grouping the Whitehall which was ruled by Charles II,intellectual refinement, epigrammatic wit and easy dalliance had been made the prime qualities which are reflected in the’manner’comedy.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 10-11


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