A Study on Crystal growth and characterization of terbium gadolinium

  • Unique Paper ID: 148495
  • Volume: 6
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 298-303
  • Abstract:
  • In this paper we are presented a Crystal growth and characterization of terbium gadolinium and mixed terbium gadolinium fumarate heptahydrate. Crystal growth includes the systematic study of the growth and properties of the crystals. It can be both natural as well as artificial. A number of crystals of different variety in the crust of earth are grown in Mother Nature by freezing the molten state. These crystals include diamond, quartz and some precious stones. Some other crystals such as the ice crystals can be formed directly from a gas (water vapours) without passing through a liquid state. During the eruption of gases around volcanoes some mineral substances in the form of sulphur and ammonium chloride crystals are formed. The crystal growth is certainly an interdisciplinary subject. It covers the collaboration of the people from physics, chemistry, materials science, metallurgy, chemical engineering, crystallography, mineralogy, etc. Since the growth processes for the crystallization of salt and sugar has been practicing since 1500 BC, therefore, the growth can be treated as an ancient scientific activity. Their large-scale applications for devices have been realized only from the last quarter of 19th century.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 6
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 298-303

A Study on Crystal growth and characterization of terbium gadolinium

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Impact Factor
8.01 (Year 2024)

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