Different strategies, approaches and recent advances in transcellular brain drug delivery.

  • Unique Paper ID: 150208
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 95-103
  • Abstract:
  • There are three types of barrier present in central nervous system such as Blood Brain Barrier, Blood Cerebro-Spinal Fluid Barrier, and Blood–Arachnoid Barrier. BBB is the very tough barrier for the transport of drugs to brain. For the treatment of various diseases related to CNS like brain cancer, Alzheimer disease, parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, psychiatric disorders or neurodegenerative diseases, different types of drugs are available. But they have some lacuna for transport of drug though these barriers and reaching drug to the target site. This review is one of the attempts to amend the recent information on cellular structure of BBB as well as different procedures planned to cross it. Different strategies and approaches are utilized to improve brain targeted drug delivery system. Lipophilicity of drug can be increased by chemical modification, while colloidal carriers like Nanoparticles, Dendrimers, Lipososmes , Nanogels enhances properties and therapeutic effect of drug in brain. Using these strategies, tumour targeting nanoparticles are developed according to the EPR. This effect could be useful to brain diseases by considering the leaky BBB. Information on structure and function of brain, recent strategies to deliver drugs into brain for treatment of CNS diseases are involved in this article.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 95-103

Different strategies, approaches and recent advances in transcellular brain drug delivery.

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