Impact Covid-19 on Small Tea Grower of Dhemaji District of Assam

  • Unique Paper ID: 152445
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 487-491
  • Abstract:
  • Pandemic and economy always run in inverse direction. Present Covid-19 is a record breaking pandemic over the centuries. Almost 210 countries and territories have been affected and the death toll to 4,77000(10%) by June 24/2020. Total positive cases rises to 92,40,000 including 46,10,000(90) recovered cases. In India total number of positive cases rise to 456183 including183022 (95%) recovered and 14476(5%) death. This is a record breaking pandemic over the centuries and still on without proper treatment. This pandemic paralyses the world economy from every angle. So tea industry over the world is not getting rescued from it. With less ten about two centuries Assam tea has along and rich history. Since first tea cultivation in 1833under east-India Company, it has been becoming the main agricultural export item in India. Being the first tea producing state Assam became the major tea producing state in India. The state alone has been producing between 50-55 percent of total national tea as well as one sixth of total global production. Apart from this the state becomes the largest tea producing region just after China. Starting with large scale production by big farmer now small tea growers of the state together produces more than 45% of total state production. The maximum growth of small tea growers has been observed in between 1995-2005. As per estimation of industry and commerce department government of Assam there are 68465 small tea growers in the state. Only in two upper Assam districts, Tinsukia and Dibrugargh have 37755(55%) Small tea growers. Progress of few other districts is also escalating including Dhemaji district. As per record of Tea Board of India the numbers of small tea growers in Dhemaji district is 516, the figure is much higher as per record of Small Tea Growers Association of Dhemaji District. According to their record there are about 900 Small tea growers cultivating about 466.67 hectors of land. As per record of All Assam Small tea growers Association 144,222 small tea growers cultivating about 80948 hectors land in the state. Being commercial as well as industrial crop the cultivation has became prestigious avocation in Dhemaji district as well as state and the growing trend is still on

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 487-491

Impact Covid-19 on Small Tea Grower of Dhemaji District of Assam

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