Design and Implementation of Smart Robotic System for Wildlife Observation with GPS and Wi-Fi using ANDROID Technology

  • Unique Paper ID: 152470
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 497-501
  • Abstract:
  • As we know, the days of poaching and animal trafficking are now threatening wildlife and have led to endangering most species, hence Wildlife rangers need to get a closer look at wild animals by invading their habitats. So, here we are with a concept namely the Wildlife Observation Robot. The robot has a nightmarish video camera . This robot can be used wireless by users by their android phones. The robot has a wireless camera that sends wireless video streaming to the user's PC. So, the wild animal's observers can safely access images of wildlife while driving this robot car at a safe distance. This program contains an Arduino micro-controller unit used for processing user sent instructions. These instructions are accepted by the system via Bluetooth modem. The micro-controller then processes this data and also transmits signals to motor drivers. Motor drivers also use engines to provide the desired Signal for driving motor engines. And when the micro-controller receives a camera switch signal via Bluetooth modem, it transfer this signal to a camera car to achieve the camera angle user want. Therefore, this wildlife robot allows for safe wildlife observation view using Android device control.

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