Nanosponges: A multifunctional targeted drug delivery system

  • Unique Paper ID: 153120
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 711-716
  • Abstract:
  • Recent developments in nanotechnology show that the supramolecular synthesis of basic constituents for medicinal and analytical applications is getting more interest. This review goes into great detail regarding the materials utilized in nanosponge formation, as well as the various techniques of formation, evaluation, and usage. Medical experts are working on a solution to the challenge of targeted medicine delivery to specific locations. Nanosponge, a newly designed colloidal system, has the ability to solve these issues. Nanosponges are a new type of colloidal formation made up of solid nanoparticles with colloidal sizes and nanosized holes made out of hyper-cross linked polymer. They improve medication stability, lessen adverse effects, and change the way the medicine is released. The exterior membrane is usually porous, which allows for sustained drug release to specific areas while also preventing drug and protein breakdown. Nanosponges are small sponges that are about the size of a virus and can be filled with a variety of drugs. These small sponges can travel throughout the body until they reach a specific target region, where they will attach to the membrane and proceed to emit the medicine in a regulated and consistent form. The drug will be more effective for a given dosage since it can be released at a specific target spot rather than spreading throughout the body. The nanosponge aggregates can be prepared larger or smaller by changing the proportion of cross-linkers and polymers. These particles can contain both lipophilic and hydrophilic compounds, as well as improve the solubility of molecules that are poorly water soluble.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 711-716

Nanosponges: A multifunctional targeted drug delivery system

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