A Study on Rural Investors Awareness and perception on Savings and Investment Avenues; A Review of literature

  • Unique Paper ID: 153770
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 478-481
  • Abstract:
  • The diversification of the financial services sector has provided the individual investor with a wide range of opportunities to invest. Savings are the mantras that any investment advisor will recite. Savings are the difference between the amount investor earns and the amount investor spends. One reason could be that there are certain materials goals that they want to save for. Indian investor’s Be havior has been changing drastically in the post-economic reforms era in investment activity, preferences in selecting various financial instruments, evaluating and in analyzing the investment avenues. In this aper the diverse literature available worldwide on individual investor behavior has been explored. Its main objective is to understand individual investor behavior. In order to review the literature, research papers have been collected from various referred journals related to individual investors’ behavior. There are lots of investment alternatives where investor can invest such as Gold, silver, real estate, bank deposits, PPF, shares, derivatives, etc. For studying the savings and investment patterns of an individual it is very importer for the researchers to figure out the settlement area of the individual because the area where he resides determines the social and economic surroundings.

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