• ISSN: 2349-6002
  • UGC Approved Journal No 47859


  • Unique Paper ID: 155275
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 401-407
  • Abstract:
  • Airfoil is an important part of any aeroplane structure whether it may be passenger aeroplanes, jet aeroplanes or helicopters. The airfoils decide whether the lift force is sufficient to balance the weight of the aeroplane or not and how important drag force is being applied on the aeroplane. Airfoils are principally divided into two orders, I've tried to differentiate between the two type-site Symmetrical and Asymmetrical airfoils on the base of their lift and drag measure’s variation with angle of attack, stall angle of attack and magnitude of the coefficients. Literal background says that various development of airfoil development took place till now. Before wing design testing was done with the help of wind tunnel testing styles but now days with advancement of computer technology the task has come veritably easier than before one. Design of wing and its optimization is done in different CAD software package and their analysis in some analytical software like ANSYS. In this design named a DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF NASA SC (2) – 0606 AIRFOIL trouble has been made to make a detailed study on lift and drag measure of various conditions. The aerodynamics characteristics are acquired veritably directly with the help of these CAD and CFD analysis. In current age of technology we've the most advanced aerodynamics in the field of aviation. In our design, the performance of NASA SC (2) – 0606 airfoil experimentally under the condition of subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic condition analyze by the ANSYS software and also analyze by the wind tunneltest. The reason for WhyWe Take This Airfoil Means, This Airfoil Used In Airbus a380 at the wingtip. Because Airbus a380 is the most successful running aircraft in the aviation field.then only we would like to decide to Analyze NASA SC(2)-0606 AIRFOIL.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 401-407


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