A Study on Sales Promotion Techniques in Horlicks Products (With special reference to Salem city, Tamilnadu)

  • Unique Paper ID: 155841
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 60-66
  • Abstract:
  • Sales promotion is one among vital processes of all business concerns. Every firm follows their own techniques for sales promotion of their products. This article is focused on the sales promotion techniques in Horlicks Products in Salem city, Taminadu. The study is attempted to analyse the sales promotion techniques of selected product. The percentage and chi square tools were used in the study for analyzing the results. Both primary and secondary data were used and 140 samples collected from the respondents. The result of the article is help to business firms to take the necessary action to strengthen the sales promotion techniques in the market. This will lead to capture and maintain its position in the competitive market. This study is attempts to determine the relationship between gender and place to buy Horlicks product, between educational level and channels mostly watch, and between income level and satisfaction level. And it is suggest improving their performance and profitability, in addition to creating more awareness about quality, price, availability, and consumer service.

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