Varied Themes in Diasporic Studies: An Exploration of Kiran Desai’s Novel Inheritance of Loss

  • Unique Paper ID: 155979
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 379-383
  • Abstract:
  • With time Diaspora literature has also under gone thematic shift which is comprehensible through the works of second generation Indian Diaspora writers. Diasporicwriters tryto recreate their roots through their work of fiction. This recreation represents the search for an identity with respect to the culture of their homeland and the new place of migration. Kiran Desai has also focused on the same recreation in her remarkable workThe Inheritance of Loss (2006). She discusses the hardships faced by the migrants at the home and abroad. Her novel also addresses issues related to acculturation, amalgamation, assimilation or disintegration of cultures.It reflects the immigrant experience that comes out of the immigrant settlement. The present paper deals with the exploration of various diasporic themes of post-colonialism, dislocation and sense of loss, cultural conflicts and a quest for identity, trans-culturalism and multi-culturalism and the traits of the globalization in the novel The Inheritance of Loss.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 379-383

Varied Themes in Diasporic Studies: An Exploration of Kiran Desai’s Novel Inheritance of Loss

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