Advance Driver Assistance System (ADAS) Using Simulink

  • Unique Paper ID: 156176
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 1113-1119
  • Abstract:
  • The future of transportation is already here and they call them Autonomous Vehicle. These cars can drive themselves precisely and accurately with no human intervention and the whole system was capable of taking right decision with excellent accuracy. These autonomous vehicle provide utmost safety measures in all aspect for drivers and passengers. The majority of traffic fatalities occur at intersections and involve human error with up to 90% of those being caused by alcohol and drugs. According to researchers, “With nearly 1 million people killed on the world's roads each year, traffic collisions are now the leading cause of death among young adults around the globe”. An estimated 80 percent of these deaths occur in low and middle income countries. This seems to be there is a great need for an autonomous vehicle.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 1113-1119

Advance Driver Assistance System (ADAS) Using Simulink

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