Leisure trip behavior for destination choice - A case study of Porbandar City (Gujarat)

  • Unique Paper ID: 156446
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 676-683
  • Abstract:
  • Tourism is one of the growing sectors in India, with 6.23% to the national GDP 8.78 % of the total employment in India. Indian tourism covers 0.49% of the world. India having uniqueness in leisure places like heritage sites, cultural attractions, beaches, shopping, and Indian cuisine. There are many factors effects on making leisure trips making decision. There are Income, Available budget for trip, Number of days, Trip purpose, Family members, Mindsets of making trips, Mode choice, Preference for location, Connectivity of place, Climate of place, Safety and comfort. Lack of proper travel mode and public transport mode are still in bad condition on which government should do improvement, second thing about language barrier which important to improve, sign boards and informative boards must be in regional and English language. Local transports at the destination places are too costly, which should be controlled by government. The main objective is to identify the parameters influencing the destination choice for Leisure trips. Generally, from the study and survey there is growth in tourist flow at the chosen destination places, but that can be increase in flow by providing good and basic amenities to the tourist like good public transport system, affordable and appropriate cost of hotels and local transport as well as good food quality, road conditions, traffic condition. These are the very important things which are needed to improve in proper way.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 676-683

Leisure trip behavior for destination choice - A case study of Porbandar City (Gujarat)

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