Role of Disruptive technology in Personal Selling

  • Unique Paper ID: 156473
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 736-740
  • Abstract:
  • Purpose- As per previous findings personal selling was done on a small scale and the salespeople were considered important without which a product could not sell itself. As per the current research with evolution in technology there are robot advisors who eliminate the need of salespeople and allow people to conveniently deal with the products they need and get it customized accordingly. Also, as per current studies the process of personal selling has become customer centric and focuses on delivering tailor made products suited to customers. Research Implications- This paper gives us an understanding of how technology is useful in the process of personal selling that is there are path breaking findings like the introduction of drones which deliver products and reduce the delivery time and the shipping cost. Also, personal selling provides a triple integration reward system which boosts employee morale as well as leads to a healthy and cordial working relationship between the employee and the company. Research Findings- The major findings of this paper are that the game theory which predicts how a customer would behave and thus aids the salesperson in determining the customer's demands. It also aids in the formulation of a strategy for how the customer would react when the salesman goes door to door selling a product, as well as reducing the customer's shame. Based on the wants and expectations of the customer, the salesperson will adjust his attitude. The other is the use of the AIDA model which is attention, interest, desire and action which identifies a stage through which a customer goes before purchasing a product. In personal selling also the salesperson needs to identify the needs of the customer making these two processes interrelated. Research Methodology- The researcher has relied on secondary sources of data like Scopus indexed papers.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 736-740

Role of Disruptive technology in Personal Selling

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