Women’s untold stories in Gorkhaland Movement (2007-2017)

  • Unique Paper ID: 156482
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 812-817
  • Abstract:
  • Demand for a separate state within the Indian Federal state has been a long on-going struggle in the hills of Darjeeling & Kalimpong district and also the Doars region of Jalpaiguri District. It was supported by the people from all the economic sections of the society irrespective of the gender. Under the leadership of Subash Ghishing and Bimal Gurung people participated in the movement sacrificing their present for a better future. Women participation was not less than men though the mainstream historians, research scholar and the political parties of hills failed to record these as evidences. Women’s participation in the politics of Bimal Gurung led struggle was highly witnessed in the streets of hills, from morning till night, supporting the demand for separate state and ready to sacrifice their lives. They participated in all the activities called by the political party, such as hunger strikes, general strikes, picketing, deputation to the administration, whenever the leadership demanded. Women from all sphere of life participated in the struggle but when it came power politics, gender bias was witnessed, which was deeply rooted in the patriarchal psyche of the Indian culture that women are not capable of power politics. Women in the demand for Gorkhaland were not given their dues for their selfless contribution due to gender biasness in the society.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 812-817

Women’s untold stories in Gorkhaland Movement (2007-2017)

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