• ISSN: 2349-6002
  • UGC Approved Journal No 47859

Locus of Control and Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Attitude towards the use of Information Technology among High School Teachers in the Pandemic Situation

  • Unique Paper ID: 156942
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 617-628
  • Abstract:
  • This research study is based on the Attitude of teachers towards the use of IT in relation to Locus of Control and Emotional Intelligence during the pandemic era. It has always been observed that the attitude of the teachers towards the use of IT was never favourable especially the senior teachers as they had already established their own ways of teaching and may not know much about the IT. Coming to the pandemic situation the large-scale use of IT compelled the researcher to study locus of using technology. It was observed that many novice teachers readily accepted the challenge of technology, studied its know-how and nitty gritty from their family members especially from their children and started utilizing it. But there were many who wanted to hide behind excuses, they just lacked the spirit of using technology, in fact they put the entire blame on the students and their parents like they don’t possess a smartphone, they cannot afford data, their houses are not in the range of network, etc. According to the results obtained in this research it can be said that teacher’s attitude concerning the use of IT in education changes in relation to gender. In this research it is revealed that the attitudes of male teachers towards the use of IT in educational practices is more positive than female teachers. Teachers who have an internal locus of control are sure to move towards teaching learning conditions that boost their student’s level of learning power. The fact that emotional intelligence correlates positively and significantly with positive attitude is a pointer to the fact that a teacher’s ability to monitor and understand, and control her emotions relative to that of others is one of the traits needed for successful use of IT.

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