Automatic Identification and Alert Systems for Vehicle Accidents: A Review

  • Unique Paper ID: 156993
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 578-581
  • Abstract:
  • The increasing population has indirectly increased the count of transportation vehicles and which leads to the increase in number of accidents. The studies from the various survey reports states that millions of deaths are happening per annum due to vehicle accidents. The main cause for the transportation vehicle accidents is because of rash driving, long duration driving, exceeded speeding etc. Also reported that 50% of the deaths on the road accidents happens due to the ignorance of the vehicle accident notification of the patient by vehicles specifically during the night or in lonely places remain unnotified. A person who survives requires emergency medical rescue response. A Vehicle Accident Identification and Alert system developed as an existing work by various researchers for emergency notification system which could save the life of patient. Whenever a road accident happens the variety of sensors such as vibration type of sensor or the accelerometer type of sensor present in the such systems, provides the signals to the controller platform. Latitudes and longitude’s location information have been accumulated from the Global Positioning System, transmitted with the help of the GSM module to the rescue center and provides a text SMS to the mentioned people listed in their respective emergency List. Retrieving the sharp location definitely could assist the rescue team to reach the particular location within less time. The different methodologies and technologies such as Global system for Mobile, Wi-Fi have been utilized for constructing such type of systems. Even if the vehicles whether two wheelers or four wheelers have been insured, a vehicle crash might end up having major injuries and post-death stress. Main objective of this paper is to identify these key issues to a larger extent. In each year millions of people died, approximately 1.5 million people as per the WHO reports. Detection, Identification & Rescue during the road accidents, consecutively definitely reduces the rate of mortality & economic loss.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 578-581

Automatic Identification and Alert Systems for Vehicle Accidents: A Review

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