A descriptive study to assess the knowledge and expressed practices regarding prevention of osteoporosis among women in selected communities, Ambala, (Haryana)

  • Unique Paper ID: 157130
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 187-194
  • Abstract:
  • Osteoporosis is a global public health problem currently affecting more than 200 million people worldwide. In the United States alone, 10 million people have osteoporosis, and 18 million more are at risk of developing the disease, which can lead to fractures and other complications. The Objectives of study were to assess the level of knowledge and level of expressed practices regarding the prevention of osteoporosis among women with selected demographic variables. To find out the relationship between knowledge score and expressed practice related to prevention of osteoporosis among women with selected demographic associations. To determine the association between level of knowledge and level of expressed practices related to prevention of osteoporosis among women with selected demographic variables. The Research approach adopted for the study was quantitative and design was descriptive survey research. The study was conducted in selected districts of Haryana. A total number of 300 women were selected by using convenience sampling technique. The tool used for data collection, consisted of demographic variables, structured knowledge questionnaire and expressed practices checklist to measure knowledge and expressed practices of women. The reliability of tool was calculated by kuder -Richardson .data was analyzed by spss version 20. The Study result revealed that more than half (58.3%) of the women were had moderate knowledge regarding osteoporosis among women. Less than half (44.7%) of women had following poor expressed practices regarding the prevention of osteoporosis. A highly significant correlation between knowledge and expressed practices. There was a highly significant association of knowledge with all the demographic variables. Study concluded that women had moderate knowledge and had followed poor practices towards prevention of osteoporosis among women.

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