Women; A Major Human Capital for National Development (A Deep Insight of Chapter- Problems of Women by Swami Vivekananda)

  • Unique Paper ID: 157227
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 297-299
  • Abstract:
  • Eastern countries are obliterating the very essence of their birth that is their mothers, wives and every other women who always has been playing a crux role in their lives. Being a global and visionary mystic writer Swami Vivekananda has warned the entire nation about the role of women and how are they the core of the nation. Vivekananda argued for the equality of women and men in modern Indian aspect. His life had been dedicated in uplifting the condition of women and imparting education to them so that they can survive amidst crisis as well as can simplify their own problems and live a life in certainty. He had portrayed one of the most deep dwelling topics dealing with the Problems of Women in one of the eminent works My India The India Eternal. The chapter had been divided into several segments dealing with past and present issues which will definitely lead to hazardous future if not checked. Every nation has been considered as Janani that is one to give birth; the same respect should be given to every women of each nation because she is the bearer. Neglecting their education and health can lead to de elevation of the entire world. As said by the visionary writer Swami Vivekananda- “Without Shakti (power) there is no regeneration for the world.” (Page no. 69, My India The India Eternal)

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