Performance analysis of controller design methods for unstructured uncertainty based modeled uncertain system

  • Unique Paper ID: 158285
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 202-207
  • Abstract:
  • This paper presents the performance of a robust PID controller designed using a simple and efficient technique for a system with uncertain parameters. The uncertain system considered is a warm air-drying chamber represented by unstructured uncertainty based model. The design of PID controller is based on a technique that uses Small Gain theorem which guarantees closed loop stability for variations in plant input across its entire working range. The designed controller is compared with those designed using D curves and D partition methods. The control input plots exhibit the superiority of the designed controller over the other methods for the uncertain plant considered. Also, the integral absolute error (IAE), integral squared error (ISE), integral time weighted absolute error (ITAE) and integral time weighted squared error (ITSE) performance indices are determined using MATLAB®. Comparison of the results shows that the designed controller gives a better performance over those obtained from other design methods.

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