Design and Implementation of Human Detection Robot for Disaster Management

  • Unique Paper ID: 159821
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 596-604
  • Abstract:
  • It has been around for a while that humans can be recognized by robots. A variety of human-detecting robots have been developed, depending on the application. It might be difficult to rescue people who are buried beneath buildings following natural disasters like earthquakes. The rescue team does detection, but it takes a while. In these situations, prompt human detection is essential. This paper describes and proposes a simple human detection robot that is operated manually and makes use of RF technology to locate individuals in an emergency. The victim may be saved by the use of these robots. By locating people in catastrophe zones where humans would have limited access, this can also assist the rescue team. Additionally, it enters zones where people are in grave danger. Instead of detection, which may be done effectively by these robots without endangering extra human lives, it helps rescue squads divert their manpower to other areas. The human detecting robot is outfitted with a number of sensors and actuators, such as thermal sensors, PIR sensors, movement sensors, and various sorts of actuators that receive inputs from these sensors and provide outputs like the location of the survivors, whether or not the survivors are alive or dead, etc.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 596-604

Design and Implementation of Human Detection Robot for Disaster Management

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