Formulation and Standardization of Barley Flour Incorporated with Chia Seeds Crackers

  • Unique Paper ID: 159858
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 552-557
  • Abstract:
  • Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is an edible grain and cereal plant of the Poaceae grass family which is grown in various environments. Barley has a nut-like flavour, which is rich in carbohydrates, has moderate amounts of protein, calcium, and phosphorus, and low amounts of B vitamins. Barley is particularly rich in Beta-Glucan, which is a type of soluble fiber. It is a staple food grain in North Africa and parts of Asia. Chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L.) are small seeds from an annual herbaceous plant, which contains healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, and some minerals. The health benefits of chia seeds can help to lose weight and control blood sugar and cholesterol. The aim of this study is to standardize the addition of various barley flours food products incorporated with chia seeds crackers. There are 3 variants of the various ingredients added in the preparation of this product. It is estimated by a panel of judges using a score sheet with a five-point hedonic scale. Sensory attributes such as colour, taste, texture. The Shelf-Life of the product is examined to ensure that the product is in good condition during storage period. Moisture, crude protein, fat, crude fiber, total ash, insoluble ash, carbohydrates, energy content and other nutrients in barley flour incorporated chia seeds crackers were evaluated. The packaging used to pack barley flour incorporated chia seeds crackers is a cardboard box. An average of 10 points was obtained for these crackers during evaluation. For this reason, these crackers are highly acceptable and recommended for all age groups.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 552-557

Formulation and Standardization of Barley Flour Incorporated with Chia Seeds Crackers

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