Smart Energy Meters: Revolutionizing Energy Management for a Sustainable Future

  • Unique Paper ID: 161992
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 366-371
  • Abstract:
  • Smart energy meters, which combine cutting-edge technology with environmentally friendly methods, mark a paradigm shift in the field of energy management. This study offers a thorough analysis of smart energy meters, including their salient characteristics, advantages, difficulties, and potential applications. The study starts with a historical review of energy measuring techniques, then it follows the development of smart meters and looks at some of its key features, such two-way communication and real-time monitoring. Using case studies and actual situations, the advantages of smart energy meters—such as cost savings, environmental impact reduction, and energy conservation—are examined. A critical evaluation is conducted of the obstacles related to the deployment of smart meters, encompassing issues related to data security and privacy, infrastructure investment, and consumer education. The article continues with a discussion of the prospective applications of smart energy meters in the future, imagining their place in new energy trends and advocating for more study and cooperation to realize these applications' full potential. Policymakers, utility companies, and academics wishing to comprehend and capitalize on the revolutionary potential of smart energy meters in creating a sustainable energy future will find great value in this thorough examination.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 366-371

Smart Energy Meters: Revolutionizing Energy Management for a Sustainable Future

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