Behaviour of Curved Steel Tub Girder for Elevated Metro Rail

  • Unique Paper ID: 162509
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 233-242
  • Abstract:
  • The aim is to provide an effective solution for construction of superstructure for an obligatory span of 60m length with plan radius of 225m. The alignment of metro rail along a certain existing road changes its direction on either left or right at major junctions along crossing road. In such cases obligatory spans with sharp curvatures are inevitable. Usually a precast segmental superstructure using launcher is proposed for metro with standard span up to 35m, but in case of major junctions, span length can exceed up to 60m. In such cases, choice of superstructure is a challenging task considering sharp curvature, span length and feasibility of execution at a busy junction. Based on this, a typical obligatory span curved in plan is selected for further studies. The study is carried out for a curved span of 60m with radius of 225m; width of viaduct 8.5m for a two track metro line and tub girder composite superstructure using grillage analysis with construction stages in MIDAS software. The behaviour of superstructure during service stage using parameters such as Bending Stress and deflection is also present here.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 233-242

Behaviour of Curved Steel Tub Girder for Elevated Metro Rail

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