Critical Study of Environmental Impact Assessment in India connected to Land Acquisition for Special Economic Zones

  • Unique Paper ID: 162603
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 659-668
  • Abstract:
  • The research study will critically demonstrate the policies and procedures of environmental impact assessment and social impact assessment for set up of SEZs in India. Along with this it will discuss the link between Social Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment to assess the impact of the projects set up as Special Economic Zone on the environment and project-affected people in India. It will also enlighten upon the land acquisition process for SEZ under the prevenient and resultant statute. It will demonstrate the guidelines and legal mandates to set up Special Economic Zone. Also highlight major concerns in the implementation of the law. The preservation of the environment is urgently required. However, also take into account the importance of the development of a nation. It is difficult to strike a balance between the rate of development and the potential environmental damage brought on by such activity. So, the idea of environmental impact assessment is a crucial one to balance the two phenomena. EIA requirements recognize and consider a few factors that are essential for balancing the current situation, such as critical examination of the environmental implications of the projects, alternative methods that may be used, and expanding the scope of public involvement.

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