The use of performance-enhancing drugs, commonly referred to as doping, has become a pervasive issue in the world of sports, posing significant ethical, legal, and health concerns that threaten the integrity of athletic competition. This research paper provides an in-depth and multifaceted analysis of doping in sports, exploring its definition, types, motivations driving athletes towards doping practices, and the various anti-doping efforts undertaken by international and national organizations. Through an extensive literature review and examination of relevant case laws, this paper delves into the complexities surrounding doping, shedding light on its far-reaching implications for fair competition, athlete well-being, and the public's trust in the integrity of sports. The paper also examines the legal frameworks and provisions in place to combat doping, with a particular focus on the Indian context, highlighting notable case laws and the role of the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA). Furthermore, the paper explores the ethical considerations surrounding doping, addressing issues such as the unfair advantage gained by those who engage in doping practices, the potential health risks associated with the use of prohibited substances, and the broader societal implications of doping on the inspirational value of athletic achievements and public trust in sports. The paper also acknowledges the challenges and obstacles faced in the fight against doping, including the constant evolution of doping techniques, the development of new and undetectable substances, and the involvement of sophisticated doping networks. It emphasizes the need for continuous research, collaboration among various stakeholders, and the implementation of effective education and prevention initiatives to address the root causes of doping and foster a culture of clean competition. Ultimately, this research paper aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on doping in sports, providing a comprehensive analysis that informs and empowers stakeholders, including athletes, sports organizations, anti-doping agencies, legal authorities, and the general public, to take concerted action against this issue and uphold the values of fair play, sportsmanship,
Article Details
Unique Paper ID: 162752

Publication Volume & Issue: Volume 10, Issue 10

Page(s): 941 - 946
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