Work-Life Balance- A study of factors affecting work-life balance and their impact on employee and job satisfaction

  • Unique Paper ID: 164265
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 527-541
  • Abstract:
  • In today's business scenario, work-life balance is considered as an important and challenging concept by organizations and their employees. It has become a significant concern in recent years as work (professional life) and family (personal life) are the two most important aspects of an individual's life and the lines between professional and personal life have become very thin and increasingly blurred. With the advent and increased use of technology, people are expected to be always available, making it difficult to switch off from work. This regular and close connectivity has led to a situation where employees feel like they are always working and have no time for their personal lives. This paper aims to understand the concept of WLB, its importance from the point of view of organizations and employees, problems in maintaining WLB, and various initiatives taken by organizations for improving and maintaining WLB. It also includes the responses from employees (male and female both) of various public and private sectors on certain questions asked with the help of a questionnaire related to WLB.

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