Narrative History in Amitav Ghosh Novel ‘The Glass Palace’

  • Unique Paper ID: 164993
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 2817-2819
  • Abstract:
  • The act of using history in English literature is a good old practice since the times of chronicles. Many English writers have used History as part of their fictional art. Amitav Ghosh frequently uses history in his novels. He freely mixes fact and fiction to cook a new dish called ‘Historical Fiction’. He tries to look into History from a new dimension, which was never looked before by historians. He places public history and private history side by side and discusses the effect of the historical incidents on common people. Amitav Ghosh’s novel ‘The Glass Palace’ is a historical novel set in Burma, India and Malaysia. The narration of the novel spans for about a century from 1885 to 1996. It begins with the British invasion of Burma and the fall of Konbaung Dynasty of Mandalay in 1885. It covers many incidents from Burmese history like the extradition the last Burmese King Thebaw to India, I world war, II world war, Japanese invasion of Malaysia and Burma in 1942, Burna independence in 1948, assassination of General Aung Saan, Dictator rule in Burma, the rise of Ang saan suu kyi as a leader of Democratic movement in Burma etc. Here Amitav Ghosh discusses the Burmese history from the perspective of an Indian Immigrant Raj Kumar. Ghosh focuses mainly on how the lives of common people are affected by these historical incidents. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the historical narrative style of Amitav Ghosh with special focus on his novel ‘The Glass Palace’.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 2817-2819

Narrative History in Amitav Ghosh Novel ‘The Glass Palace’

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