Secure E-Voting System Using BlockChain

  • Unique Paper ID: 165026
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 130-134
  • Abstract:
  • This Paper proposes a fault node recovery algorithm to enhance the lifetime of a wireless sensor network when some of the sensor nodes shut down. This should be identified by detecting the fault nodes using DCD algorithm. The dichotomous coordinate descent (DCD) algorithm allows linear systems of equations to be solved with high computational efficiency. It is a multiplication-free and division-free technique and, therefore, it is well suited for hardware implementation. In DCD, the concept is said to drift if quite a large number of outliers are found in the current sliding window, or if quite a large number of clusters are varied in the ratio of data points. Fault nodes are identified by detecting the fault nodes using DCD algorithm. We propose an algorithm that allows (i) every node to detect when the connectivity to a specially designated node has been lost, and (ii) one or more nodes (that are connected to the special node after the cut) to detect the occurrence of the fault node. The algorithm can result in fewer replacements of sensor nodes and more reused routing paths. In our simulation, the proposed algorithm increases the number of active nodes up to 8.7 times, reduces the rate of data loss by approximately 98.8%, and reduces the rate of energy consumption by approximately 31.1%.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 130-134

Secure E-Voting System Using BlockChain

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