Structural behaviour of pile foundation,raft foundation & combined pile raft foundation with different types of soil

  • Unique Paper ID: 165199
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 86-95
  • Abstract:
  • Piled raft is very effective and economic solution in most situations for high rise towers and heavily loaded structures. In combined piled-raft foundation the raft forces the soil immediately below it to settle by the same amount as the settlement of piles. Piled raft foundation is adopted to reduce the total and differential settlement of foundations, and thus estimation of settlement profile of piled raft foundation forms an important design exercise. Piles supported raft, in which loads coming from the structure are shared by the pile and the, raft have shown that such a hybrid foundation system provide an efficient way of supporting highly loaded raft. By shearing the load with the raft, the number of piles needed under the raft foundation is reduced and the spacing between the increases. this saves pile cost reduced the installation schedule. Also, by increasing the spacing between pile, it provides more accessibility to install conduits and piping below the raft, in addition to more flexibility for construction to add more pile in case of pile replacement. In addition to primary goal of improved bearing capacity and settlement performance of soil.

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