Enhancement of biogas production from vegetable leftovers using carbon additives

  • Unique Paper ID: 165294
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 316-330
  • Abstract:
  • India being a major global producer of fruits and vegetables could also result in significant waste generation and loss to spoilage and unscientific handling of raw materials. These otherwise discarded material can be subjected to bio-methanation for the production biogas which can be used as sustainable source of fuel. However, the type of raw material used for bio-methanation could determine the efficiency of the process. For instance, employing waste from slaughter house and fish markets could result in alkaline drift and ultimately process failure in anaerobic digesters owing to generation of excess ammonia from the raw material. From this study, a net improvement in biogas production using vegetable leftovers as feedstock were observed upon addition of carbon additives like coconut shell charcoal, bagasse charcoal, saw dust charcoal as well as rice husk charcoal on comparison with control. Maximum biogas production was observed in test samples added with bagasse charcoal powder. Biogas production from vegetable waste containing cabbage leftovers supplemented with prawn peel powder showed a substantial increase. Process failure due to addition of poultry and fish waste could be ameliorated upon addition of coconut shell charcoal and bagasse powder charcoal. Addition of the charcoal powder from coconut shells could relieve process failure and repression caused by limonene with maximum relief with mosambi peels.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 316-330

Enhancement of biogas production from vegetable leftovers using carbon additives

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