Sastric rules for Marriage in accordance to the internal configuration of Kinship Structure (Sapinda, Sagotra and Sapravara exogamous kin groups)

  • Unique Paper ID: 165662
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 1439-1443
  • Abstract:
  • Marriage is institutionalized in the Śāstric literary tradition with the intention of preserving and promoting existing patriarchal kinship structure. The texts see human life as a journey which has four phases, ‘āśramas’. Among these the householder phase, gá¹›hastha āśramas, is of significance for it is not only the provider for the other members of household but has the responsibility to maintain and expand the patrilineal kinship structure through marital ties. These ties were regulated through certain restrictions of exchange among sapiṇda, sagotra and sapravara groups. The texts elaborate upon these sapiṇda, sagotra and sapravara exogamous kin groups among whom marital exchange was prohibited. This is a unique feature of Indian marriage system. On the one hand varṇa endogamy was practiced but within it at micro level there were groups which were exogamous in marriage alliances.

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