Impact of Gender and Religion on Aggression among intermediate students of Sakra Block, Muzaffarpur, Bihar

  • Unique Paper ID: 166065
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 1-5
  • Abstract:
  • Aggression is an important issue of social Psychology. It is a universal phenomenon, which is found in every organism. Aggression is forceful and hostile behaviour towards another organism or object that can result in emotional or physical harm. The present study tries to focus on aggression of boys and girls in relation to their gender, and religion conducted on 90 intermediate students (45 boys and 45 girls) of Sakra block, Muzaffarpur district, Bihar. Selected samples were administered on the Aggression scale developed by Kumari Roma Pal and Mrs. Tasneem Naqui, was used for assessing the aggression of the students. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the obtained data using tools such as means, SD, t- ratio. The analysis of data significantly concluded that a significant number of male intermediate students have high level of Aggression than female intermediate students It clearly points that gender plays a vital role in the aggressive behaviour and it was also found that no significant difference between Hindu and Muslim students showing aggression is affected by the gender but not religion.

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