An Innovative SOLAVATOR,Time Reducer and Effortless Farming Tool

  • Unique Paper ID: 166155
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 88-93
  • Abstract:
  • In Indian agriculture, the preparation of fertile land for deep plough using additional machinery and ploughing tools are increased. Solavator or cultivator is one of the plough machines most suitable for seedbed preparation. In this project our main aim is ploughing the field by using tiller which operates on solar panel power, which helps us to increase the use of renewable energy sources. Here we take the help of solar panel that is providing by Government scheme and we take power by that panel for rotavator operation. Assembly of Solavator includes motor, shaft, connector, blades, etc. That is projected on manual operating handle. With help of this Solavator soil is spaded i.e., the field is plough by Solavator after that cultivation of field become easy. We are upheavaling the method of farming with the help of renewable energy the most farmers aware of the solar panel scheme of the Government which helps farmers in minimum-of-cost cultivation without using non-renewable energy (diesel, petrol, etc.). As we all know, India is the land of farmers so the main source of our living is agriculture. So, we conceive about farmers and try to help the farmers in agriculture by rotavator which makes their work effective and easy in less time. Solavator perform both operation like ploughing and levelling of fertile land.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 88-93

An Innovative SOLAVATOR,Time Reducer and Effortless Farming Tool

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