Comparative Investigation of Random Market Honey Samples By Phyto- Qualitative, Phyto-Microscopy and Preliminary TLC Technique

  • Unique Paper ID: 166286
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 914-918
  • Abstract:
  • The market random honey samples were collected and comparative investigated by the Phyto- qualitative/Microscopy and crude TLC Technique, Phyto qualitative examination performed by fiehe’s and Seliwanoff’s test noticed except JSC brand found to match as per the observation, again for all the individual brands performed osazone test resulting in 40x microscopy shown a broom shape carbohydrate molecules found in Patanjali, Organic 0/1/2/3, Saffola brands shown resin cells with different unusual sizes of acicular needle shape crystals aggregates along with dispersed needle shape, JSC brand shown uniform sizes aggregated evenly dispersed acicular Needles shape fructose with resin cells were found and phyto chemically shown light pink colour is very different observation matching with the standard procedure by fiehe’s and Seliwanoff’s test, After chemical fractionation in series with toluene, benzene, chloroform and methanol resulting in globular molecules varying sizes of carbohydrate molecules of 10 microns, whereas in JSC shown 85 microns globules and TLC Analysis for all the carbohydrate samples performed with the Solvent system is Propanol: D-water: Butanol of Ratio is 9.6:3.2:0.4 the Rf value found range is between 0.53 to 0.847 is other than Fructose (the Fructose standard Rf value=5.1),. for alkaloids Solvent system is CHCL3:Hexane:MEOH:HACwithRatioof5:3:1:0.5Rfvaluerange is between 0.56 to 89, Glycoside Solvent system is CHCL3:HAC:MEOH:D-water of Ratio ….and Rf value range is between 0.88 to 0.966, and for the Flavanoids Solvent system is CHCL3:ETAC with Ratio of 6:4 Rf value range is between 0.6 to 0.74.

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