Treatment of municipal sewage and reuse of Treated sewage at Industries in place of raw water by using UF and RO Technologies

  • Unique Paper ID: 166437
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 571-575
  • Abstract:
  • This project aims to reduce the industry's freshwater usage by supplying treated sewage water, ensuring more raw water for households. Sewage from municipal areas is pumped to the bar screen chamber for large debris removal. The water then moves to a collection sump for equalization before being pumped to the grit chamber to remove heavy materials, followed by a primary clarifier for suspended solids and FOG removal. Next, the aeration tank reduces BOD and COD using fine bubble diffusers. Overflow water goes to a secondary clarifier, where biomass settles. The supernatant is disinfected with sodium hypochlorite and filtered through sand and carbon filters. Ultra-filtration removes fine solids before the water is treated in an RO plant to reduce TDS for industrial reuse, such as in cooling towers, boilers, chillers, and compressors.

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