Undergraduate Students and Environmental Research
Ankush Pal
Environmental science; participatory science; pedagogy; undergraduate education.
Research integrated into higher education curricula has been shown by numerous studies to be beneficial to undergraduate students. Citizen science provides an alternative to research performed in a lab and is gaining traction as a good choice for integration into classes. The Undergraduate Student Experiences in Citizen Science (USE Cit Sci) research collaboration network is working to help more instructors in higher education adopt citizen science as part of their curriculum by providing training and educational materials. To date, the Network has identified areas of critical need for citizen science to be more readily used in higher education courses and created a clear- inghouse of lessons for faculty to use freely. Forthcoming products of the USE Cit Sci network include direct partnerships between educators and citizen science projects in addition to a peer mentoring program. Given the preponderance of ecology citizen science projects available, bringing this educational opportunity to students opens new avenues of pedagogical experiences.
Article Details
Unique Paper ID: 166850

Publication Volume & Issue: Volume 8, Issue 6

Page(s): 651 - 654
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