The Importance of Healthy Human Life on Economic Development

  • Unique Paper ID: 167152
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 450-454
  • Abstract:
  • Economic development's most important indicator is the human factor. The human factor is also known as the human capital. Investments in human capital include the investments in human factor. The human capital and economic development are two concepts identified with each other. The main factors of human capital, health and education, are placed on the top in the development of a country. The investments in health and education fields would accelerate the economic development. As long as individuals of a country are healthy, their contribution to production and growth would increase. On the other hand, societies' often becoming ill would decrease their productivity. Thus, this would affect the economic development negatively. When the individuals could live without having health problems, economic development and growth would be influenced positively. Therefore, for the sake of the development of countries and regions, the amount of investments in the field of health should be increased. There are some indicators of healthy life such as diet, non-consumption of alcohol and cigarette, evasion of bad habits, consumption of water of good quality, sports, having an adequate income. People's being healthy also depends on their environment and personal characteristics. The most efficient way to ensure them to stay healthy is making them engaged to sports. In this paper, the relation between healthy human factor and economic development will be tried and examined. The positive cross-country correlation between health and economic growth is well established, but the underlying mechanisms are complex and difficult to discern. Three issues are of central concern. First, assessing and disentangling causality between health and economic growth is empirically challenging. Second, the relation between health and economic growth changes over the process of economic development. Third, different dimensions of health (mortality vs. morbidity, children’s and women’s health, and health at older ages) may have different economic effects.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 450-454

The Importance of Healthy Human Life on Economic Development

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