A Historical Analysis of migrant driven Industrial growth and its contribution in the evolution of Bangalore city

  • Unique Paper ID: 167652
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 261-264
  • Abstract:
  • Presently Bangalore has become the most favoured destination for migrant workers, flowing in from different nook and corner of the country. This process is either called as Migration or Urbanisation. Always Urbanisation and industrialization of a city will be featured by the large influx of population. Historical analysis reveals that, this inflow of population in larger scale has changed the axis of growth and added new dimensions to the growth pattern. Studies identifies that employment opportunities acts as the prime drive for attracting huge population and industries play a major role in providing such employment opportunities. These industrially developed places received migrants and assimilated people as places of refuge, because of its employment providing ability. Employment deposits income in the hands of the workers, due to which their standard of living and quality of living will go up. This has further improved the time of leisure and declined the death rates, especially amongst urban communities. Bangalore has been an industrial hub even during 18th and 19th century. During 18th century, the European colonial rule had brought about sweeping economic and political changes, which has affected the process and growth of urbanization in India in general and in Karnataka in particular. As a result of this, new commercial and administrative cities have grown up. These new born cities occupied a unique position in the development of society and economy in general. Soon they became centers of foreign trade, centers of administration, political functions, for education and social services. These centres were developed as agencies for diffusion of all kinds of socio cultural change and grew rapidly on par with any other modern foreign cities of the world. As a result of localization of benefits, these cities started attracting huge migrants in large scale, permanently shifting for varied purposes like education, employment, health care etc., Bangalore, the capital city of Karnataka state is no exception to this. This comprehensive report delves into the historical underpinnings of Bengaluru's industrial development during the British colonial era. Focusing on the establishment of industries and their profound impact on attracting migrant workers, it explores the intricate relationship between British rule, employment opportunities, and the consequent urbanization of Bengaluru. By analyzing the socio-economic implications of this historical narrative, the report aims to highlight the pivotal role played by British rule in transforming Bengaluru into a thriving industrial hub. This paper explores the growth and development pattern of Bangalore city and its role and contribution from its historical perspective.

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