An Empirical Study of Rock Art in Karnataka State

  • Unique Paper ID: 168541
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 198-203
  • Abstract:
  • Rock art is a subject being studied for the last 150 years or more. The first rock art site was noticed by Archibald Carllylel, an Assistant of the Archaeological Dept. a little before 1867-68. It was located in the area of Sohagighat of the northern escarpment of the Vindhyan mountain bordering the lowlands of the Gangetic plains in Madhya Pradesh. A little later he could collect microliths from the same area. Around this time, there were discoveries and systematic survey of rock-art sites in Mirzapur region, south of Varanasi by JOhn Cockburn, who was the first perhaps to publish a paper on his findings with the tracings of the pictures. Possibly, T. J. Newbold' was the first to notice rock engravings that would not have escaped his attention when he examined the ash-mounds in Kapgal-Sangankal area in 1842 and published a note on the mounds. In the early decades of the 20th century, mostly officers of the Geology, Archaeology Depts. and even common people during their work would incidentally come across by chance such rock art sites, and they would report them in their departmental journals. It is only with the incomparably extensive work from late 1950s and onwards done by VS. Wakankar that the subject of rock art came prominently to limelight as a branch of study worth pursuing for better understanding of the art and society of the Pre and Proto-historic communities. He worked intensively in the Bhimbetka area near Bhopal and discovered around 700 caves with paintings. His Ph. D thesis from the Deccan College was on these investigations. And since then every part of the country is found to have similar art treasure explored and recorded by many scholars of the respective regions. Whether it is Rajasthan or Jammu or even Kashmir, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh or Madhya Pradesh or South India, every part of our nation is found to have numerous such rock art sites. Today more than 5000 rock art sites are known in this country. In the initial stages of the research on the subject, India occupied the last place in this field of the study It appears now that it occupies the first place.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 198-203

An Empirical Study of Rock Art in Karnataka State

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