• Unique Paper ID: 168733
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 2102-2103
  • Abstract:
  • Vyanga or melasma is a skin condition in which a hyper pigmented patch appears on face. Although we say medically this is not a serious condition but this is more than enough to shatter one’s confidence. Because of globalisation and cut throat competition, being presentable has become the key word for success. Skin is a major body part that can be seen and appreciated easily as it covers whole body. That is the reason we see most of the population in the need of a magic remedy for a flawless skin. The treatment in modern medicines has many side effects. The recurrence after the treatment is very common. The treatment for melasma in Ayurveda is devoid of side effects it is very effective and it promises to stop the recurrence. The detailed description of its Hetu (causative factors), Samprapti (prognosis), the treatment (local and internal) is given in Ayurved Samhitas. Objectives: To compile references about Vyanga in Ayurvedic text including Pancha Nidan, various types of treatments, diet etc. Methods: Study of all Signs, symptoms and treatment of Vyanga mentioned in Bruhatrayee, Laghutrayee, was done. Results: On the basis of collected data, efforts were made to throw light on the Vyanga, its Hetu, and its Chikitsa. Conclusion: After scrutinizing compile data from different Samhitas and modern books we can understand exact cause of Vyanga and different treatment methods according to Ayurveda.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 2102-2103


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