Vatakalakaliya adhyaya review article

  • Unique Paper ID: 169014
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 2444-2446
  • Abstract:
  • Ayurveda is a comprehensive health science dealing with its own fundamental principles. To understand these Fundamental principles, Acharyas adopted several methods to make common people understand the Shastra(science). The whole Charaka Samhita is divided into eight Sthana. Among them Sutra sthana is Described first. Among the eight Sthana, Sutra sthana serves as the Brain of the whole treatise because it governs and represents other Sthana also. Thus, it is also known as Slokasthan. Charak samhita has divided the 30 chapters of Sutrasthana in 7 Chatuska. Nirdesha Chatuska (four chapters on guidelines for Healthcare management) forth chapter in this is vatakalakaliya adhyaya. Present article will enlighten the in detail review of the Vatakalakaliya adhyaya.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 2444-2446

Vatakalakaliya adhyaya review article

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