A Study On Control Of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding By The Use Of Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (MPA) In Reproductive Women At A Tertiary Care Hospital.

  • Unique Paper ID: 172043
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 1800-1811
  • Abstract:
  • Menorrhagia or heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is an excessive blood loss that impairs a women’s quality of life, physical, emotional, social. It is experienced by one third of women of reproductive age. FIGO in 2011 has classified AUB as structural and non-structural causes. To study the clinical response and effectiveness of Medroxy progesterone to control HMB. Assessment of patient compliance. To assess the side effects and ADR. To counsel the patient regarding AUB and prescription adherence. All women who reported to outpatient department of obstetrics and gynecology with complaints of heavy menstrual bleeding could be evaluated. By physical examination and gynecological subjected to baseline investigations like complete blood count with indices, ultrasound pelvis to rule out structural causes and thyroid profile. Those women who meet inclusion criteria will be enrolled for the study after taking an inform consent. Women who meet criteria were given medroxy progesterone acetate (MPA) 20mg 2times day. Women asked to follow up and advised to visit OPD after resumption of subsequent menstrual period to collect data. Mean time of cessation of bleeding documented and taper the dose after 1 week. The mean bleeding time before treatment was found to be 11.560+2.00. The mean bleeding time was found to be reduced after treatment with MPA. The mean bleeding time at 3rd month after treatment was found to be 5.521+1.743. he mean haemoglobin count before treatment was found to be 8.425+0.64 and it increased after treatment with MPA i.e at 3rd month after treatment was found to be 10.169+0.8052. The mean Endometrial thickness before treatment was found to be 8.59+0.92 but decreased at 3rd month after treatment and was found to be 7.60+5.89. The mean pictorial blood loss assessment chart(PBAC) before treatment was found to be 279.01+42.454. The mean pictorial blood loss assessment chart PBAC at 3rd month after treatment was found to be 127.96+38.137. The decrease in the bleeding time, PBAC before and after treatment with MPA was found to be statistically significant. The increase in the Haemoglobin count before and after treatment with MPA was found to be statistically significant. AUB is an ever-increasing gynaecological disease, having impacts on patients ’ physical and mental health in addition to economic implications. The approach to management should ensure general well-being and improved quality of life. Our study concludes that MPA is safe and efficacious in this regard with reduced PBAC score, endometrial thickness, bleeding duration (days). MPA controlled AUB without any major side effects.

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